What mental illness do i have quiz
What mental illness do i have quiz? Facial expressions, speech and behavior, willpower and other aspects can determine whether you have a mental illness. If you suspect that you have a mental illness, you should take it seriously and go to a regular hospital in time to get a clear diagnosis of your condition.
Facial expression
Facial expressions are dull and moods usually change dramatically.
Speech and behavior
Symptoms such as inattention, disorganized thinking and illogical language are usually exhibited, which may indicate a mental disorder.
Capricious behavior
Usually accompanied by symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations and even excessive anger, violent tendencies and suicidal tendencies.
In addition to testing through the methods mentioned above, tests such as EEG, CT and psychological testing can be used to aid in the diagnosis, and once diagnosed with a mental illness, it is necessary to actively work with a doctor for treatment.