How to cancel planet fitness membership
How to cancel planet fitness membership?You cannot cancel your membership over the phone, on the Planet Fitness website, or even by email.You have only two formal options: visit in person or write a letter.
To cancel in person
Visit the front desk of your home club and ask for a cancellation form.
Cancel by email
Write a letter stating your intent to cancel your membership, including your name, address, phone number and Planet ID membership number. Send it to your home club, Planet Fitness recommends sending it via authentication email. You will need to follow up with the club to ensure your request has been received, approved and processed.
How to Suspend Your Planet Fitness Membership
If you need to temporarily withdraw from your Planet Fitness membership and do not want to cancel your membership completely, you can keep your account.
How to Upgrade or Downgrade a Planet Fitness Membership
If you want to downgrade rather than cancel your membership, you'll also need to do it in person. Visit your home club and talk to the front desk staff about your account.
However, membership upgrades can be done online. Open the “Upgrade” page in your browser and follow the instructions. You will need to enter your Planet Fitness Keytag number to complete the process. If you prefer, you can also visit the front desk in person.